Camrose Police Commission
Our mandate is to provide civilian oversight and governance of the Camrose Police Service, ensuring transparency and accountability.
The Camrose Police Commission holds public meetings the third Wednesday of every month at 8:00am excluding August.
Meetings are held at City Hall, in Committee Room 126, located in Camrose at 5204 – 50 Avenue.
Relationship to Alberta Justice
The Camrose Police Commission is accountable to the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General. The Province sets the standards for effective policing in Alberta, and through the Police Act, sets out the requirements and responsibilities for police commissions, Public Complaint Directors, municipalities, and police services.
We uphold and value the core principles of police oversight in Alberta:
- The participation of the public in determining policing priorities.
- The police service must be accountable to the public.
- The police service must operate in the absence of political influence.
Relationship to Camrose City Council
The Police Act provides for the city to establish a municipal commission. City Council appoints members to the Camrose Police Commission, drawing upon the expertise and experience available in the community.
We continually strive to ensure we have an open and respectful relationship with our partners, including the City of Camrose. We recognize that importance of providing effective policing services in a fiscally responsible way.
Responsibilities of the Police Commission
The Camrose Police Commission is a statutory body created under the Alberta Police Act. The Camrose Police Commission has the following legislated responsibilities: to allocate funds provided by City Council, done in consultation with the Chief of Police; to establish policies providing for efficient and effective policing; to issue instructions as necessary to the Chief in regards to those policies; and to ensure sufficient persons are employed by the Service to carry out the functions of the Service.
The Camrose Police Commission is responsible for appointing the Chief of Police and evaluating their performance. The Police Commission issues directions to the Camrose Police Service through the Chief of Police. The Chief is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Police Service.
Additionally, the Camrose Police Commission monitors the public complaints process; handles complaints regarding the Chief of Police; and handles appeals regarding the policies of, or services provided by, the Camrose Police Service.
The Camrose Police Commission is accountable to the Alberta Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security, operating in accordance with the Camrose Police Commission bylaw, set by the City of Camrose.
There are currently no vacant positions on the Camrose Police Commission. For upcoming volunteer opportunities, please check back later.
Members of the Camrose Police Commission are citizen volunteers. The Commission shall consist of up to ten Members, two Councillors and five members-at-large, appointed by Council, and up to three Members appointed by the provincial Minister. The term of the appointment is a three year commitment, to a maximum of ten years.
The Camrose Police Commission is currently made up of the following members:
Agnes Hoveland
City Councillor
Lee Katchur
City Member (Chairman)
Kevin Hycha
City Councillor
Lori Larsen
City Member (Vice-Chairman)
Tena Lansing
Provincial Member
Rick Myers
City Member
Malcolm Kirkland
City Member
Adrian Zinck
City Member
The Camrose Police Commission and Camrose Police Service track all citizen complaints and compliments. The Camrose Police Commission monitors the public complaints process; handles complaints regarding the Chief of Police; and handles appeals regarding the policies of, or services provided by, the Camrose Police Service.
Under the Alberta Police Act, the responsibility for the investigation of complaints against Police Service policies and service provided, as well as against specific police officers lies with the Chief of Police. The Police Commission is the civilian body which is empowered to oversee the complaints process, receive complaints against the Chief of Police and act as the appeal body for complaints regarding the policies of, or services provided by, the Camrose Police Service.
Should you have a complaint or compliment about the Camrose Police Service, please provide written documentation and email it to .
Alternatively, you can also contact the Public Complaints Director at 780-781-9629.
Your correspondence will be reviewed and a member of the Police Commission will respond to you in a timely manner.